When we look at what’s prophesied to happen soon, we know the mask was a test of Satan’s global elite to see if most people would obey their government by doing something anyone with Internet access can see is all based on a lie. Yes, Covid 19 is real, but it is by no means as deadly as the media claims. In fact, the CDC shared the actual numbers of legitimate Covid deaths more than once and they are a fraction of what the pro-Socialist media is claiming. In fact, they proved this virus has a 99.997% survivor rate. See this, this, and this; to verify and you will discover that the long prophesied global experiment worked! The powers that be now know most people will obey them even when they lie. They can now move forward on this long-prophesied agenda.
Once the one world government is ready to be deployed globally, a final test of the national leaders in both the church and the state is in order to make sure all will do as the Pope demands regardless of their religious affiliations, for the mark will be a religious law and this is why the governments forced the churches to join with them in the prophesied image of the beast so as to have the power to both “speak” (legislate) and “cause” (enforce) religious laws that sanction death upon what they deem heretics and the bible deems saints. Now that the test has been administered and all nations passed by accepting of by assassination of those leaders that refused, the enforcement of the mark is much sooner that most realize. What was the test? The “pandemic.” This so-called pandemic allowed the Pope to see that yes, all nations did follow his lead with both the masks and the vaccines. This test was also needed to be able to confirm the majority of the population would do something most knew was a lie. This lie had to be declared to see if the people would bow to a lie for the sake of convenience because the powers that be know for a fact that the mark of the beast is a very easy to prove lie using a Bible. Now that the grand majority proved they will do whatever the governments demand due to their globally watered down faith, even if they know it’s a lie, the church and state powers know the people will also agree to receive the mark so as to be able to feed their families and keep their jobs when the first phase of the mark is enforced wherein no one can buy or sell without officially agreeing with the Vatican mandate of SUNDAY Laws.
The vaccine is the next experiment the dying god of this world (Satan) urgently needs to succeed in order to find where the obedient Christians are so as to make it easier when the final test of all Christians begins where the revealed man of sin enforces religious laws that go directly against the God of the Bible. And yes, they will enforce religious laws. Open your Bibles and you will find each time the mark or image of the beast is mentioned, the word worship is right there with it. (See Revelation chapters 13&14) Their so-called vaccine had to be promoted using religious undertones. Why?
If you look at the ingredients of the vaccine you will find two ingredients out of the many toxic elements in the serum that are purposely designed to force a religious decision upon every Christian taking the vaccine. They purposely let everyone know of these ingredients in every News Broadcast the world over. It was done to see which Christians will deny their religious convictions in the exact same way they will in a few short years when the mark of the beast is enforced. How so? Those two ingredients are the cells of aborted babies and the unclean pig.
The powers that be know many of the professed Christians will object to having cells from aborted babies killed in abortion clinics injected into their bloodstream. Choosing to do so forces them to go directly against Commandment #6. Satan tempts them to break God’s eternal law by using fear of a virus.PIG CELLS:
As for the cells of a pig, most Christians are unaware they are defiling their bodies with the pig even though their very own Bibles say such things defile the body. As also prophesied, the pastors have not the God given understanding needed to teach such truths. But Satan knows the well-educated Christians know all about the health message of the Bible and how certain foods defile and sicken the body. Most of them will not be vaccinated because of the pig cells in it. If they do, Satan will know he has a bit more power to tempt them when the final test of the mark targeting God’s law finally comes.
As we see by reading Revelation 14:12-13 wherein it shows why obedient Christians that keep the law and claim Christ Lord will never get the mark; the devil needs to know who in all the churches will deny their faith and get the vaccine so they can travel, work, enter grocery stores or just buy and sell as the vaccine is already being used to remove such freedoms as we speak.
The vaccine is a test on enforcing religious laws using climate change that stops all buying and selling of those refusing to keep Sunday holy. The Pope will claim doing so will stop all natural disasters that students of prophecy know have nothing to do with climate change but everything to do with the final signs of Christ’s return.
This attack on the livelihood of mankind has to be in place for this to work. Satan knows if he can get most Christians to bow to him when they can’t buy or sell now without a vaccine, forcing them later will be that much easier.
Yes, today, most Christians in all denominations will do whatever the government asks. They have been trusting the lying pastors and politicians for generations. But the obedient Christians refuse to do such things and Satan knows it. And yes, this is why most preachers in apostate churches are trying to get Christians to get the vaccine so as to make sure they are in Satan’s camp when the mark is enforced.
As we know according to the Bible, the mark of the beast is a religious law. That law is a man-made holy day. In fact, the Vatican boasts twice in writing that their invented Sunday Sabbath is their mark of authority over the Bible.
As many recall, Roman Catholic President John F Kennedy signed Sunday laws (blue laws) into existence which forced all government agencies to close on Sundays which then set the stage for what President Trump signed on December 02, 2017. Trump’s signature gave the preachers the power to lobby for religious laws from their pulpits exactly as prophecy said they would.
In short, Kennedy’s signature made all government agencies required to keep the Roman Catholic Sabbath of Sunday holy by closing each week. Don’t believe me? Try to buy stamps on Sunday in your local Post Office. Trump’s signature finalized the law by making all preachers with the prophesied 501c3 official government agencies that day granting them lobbying powers. That means they are right now required by law to keep Sunday holy as well.
Sure, the pastors and ministers don’t care as they keep Sunday holy for the most part already. All of them are ignorant about this key tool in Satan’s bag of tricks. No one can understand prophecy unless they obey the God that wrote it. And 100% of all of them disobeyed Christ by joining their churches with the State in that 501c3 contract to make more money. They are in fact the prophesied preachers of filthy lucre.
Satan set up the Sunday Sabbath of Rome way back in 321AD to make it seem indisputable today by using something as simple as antiquity to convince Christians that since the Sabbath was supposedly changed so long ago, it must be true that Sunday is the real Sabbath. Even though there isn’t a single Bible verse to back it up. But the obedient Christians never followed his lead. History confirms Christians have kept the Seventh Day Sabbath ever since they were first called Christians in Antioch 2000 years ago.
And yes, changing it to Sunday in 321AD proves Rome lied again when they said they were the first Christian church which kept Sunday holy since Jesus resurrected. If that were true, why did they have to use the political powers of Constantine to enforce Sunday laws three centuries after Christ arose? It’s because the Christians were still keeping the Sabbath just as Jesus prophesied in His Word.
Obeying the 4th Commandment is how obedient Christians worshiped God for eons. While the Roman Catholic Popes forced most to worship the Sun god of the Pagans on SUNday.
And so, Satan knew his false Sabbath had to be set in the foundation of the lukewarm church for centuries so that by today, most Christians will keep Sunday holy. This also means, since all these preachers signed unto the 501c3, they must obey the government and not only keep Sunday holy, as most already do; they will also help the government pass religious laws to try and quench the final message of the Lord through His obedient remnant when we go forth to reveal the true definition of the mark of the dying beast and the seal of the living God.
The 501c3 granted the apostate preachers the ability to lobby for religious laws on the true Sabbath of December 02, 2017. If they refuse, they will have their bank accounts ceased and tax exemption removed. And it’s all their own fault, for they willingly signed the contract with the second beast of Revelation just as prophesied. They do in fact worship money over and above the Creator God of the Sabbath.
And for those that do not believe Sunday is the mark of the beast by claiming the Jews would never bow to Rome on this? They have already agreed with the Pope to do just that for years now. Check out this video when you get time.
Since the Jews, who have kept the Sabbath for thousands of years easily bowed to Rome’s demands just as prophecy predicted they would; we now see the SDA church has also declared in writing to be in agreement with Rome on many doctrines and not only are they sending tithe to the Pope; they have opened many Sunday keeping churches to please the Pope.
Soon, every church will re-define doctrine and prophetic facts to make it appear the mark of the beast isn’t about the Sunday Sabbath of the Pope so as to prevent their flock from leaving. (see this, and this) These pastors will use their 501c3 power to help pass laws that persecute the obedient remnant Christians hoping to prevent them from warning all that Sunday is the mark of the dying beast and the 7th day Sabbath of the Creator is the seal of the living God.